
  • Support the establishment of a Player Conference built by and for freelance musicians
  • Schedule a listening tour of all the locals by the AFM president
  • Assign an organizer to be accessible to Freelance Musicians
  • Evaluate common needs of smaller locals through series of strategy meetings involving small local officers and workers. The strategy meetings will result in a coordinated campaign that will use common strategies across the country to grow our small locals.
  • Hold freelance musician strategic organizing session held in Canada and the U.S.
  • Per the AFM bylaws, launch a strategic plan to support all locals in starting or improving their new member orientation process (with a goal that all locals will internally run a new member orientation process or have access through the national to a new member orientation process).
  • Present a History of the AFM for Locals to have for orientation meetings with new members
  • Allocate resources for the inclusion of rank-and-file members in national trainings


  • Commit organizing resources towards building power to strengthen our Federation collective bargaining agreements
  • Create training resources for Locals to build political committees and lobby effectively at regional, state, and provincial levels.
  • Commence a participatory research study to evaluate ways of building worker power to combat job displacement from AI and disruptive technology.
  • Evaluate the budget to ensure that we increase our organizing capacity
  • Establish an AFM Organizing Department and develop strategies for best utilization
  • Reestablish a Communications Department to amplify our voices
  • Form Coalition with all entertainment unions in United States—using Canada as a model—to build a national strategy to grow worker power in the entertainment industry
  • Hold phone bank and rally for musicians in support of the Pro Act


  • Create a timeline and begin work on a much-needed update to InTune so that it will work for all Locals
  • Create and Implement a Federation Wide DEIA Program
  • Develop a program for trade shows presentations and/or presence like other entertainment unions (e.g. NAMM, SXSW, AFL-CIO)
  • Identify Musicians trying to Unionize and develop a relationship with them
  • Budget for officer training
  • Per the AFM bylaws, develop 3-year plan for the AFM, with an open process.
  • Schedule DEIA training for all conferences that have not been through the training
  • Start developing an in person training program for all officers on how to run an organizing model union
    – Basics for those who need it (running meetings, mandatory paperwork, etc.)
    – How to identify and organize a target group
    – How to develop local leaders


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