Whether we come from locals large, medium or small, American or Canadian, we believe that the mission of the AFM is to represent and uplift working musicians. This mission includes giving a voice and power to all musicians, and by making organizing a core value we can create greater unity and strength across the musical landscape. This is why I support the VPU candidate slate running for election at the 2023 AFM Convention, June 26-29. VPU is committed to hearing the voices of musicians both inside and outside the union to build unity and power. By listening to AFM musicians and those not yet members, we can organize a coalition that will both empower and raise working conditions for all musicians.

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Kevin P McNaughton (Local 802)

Larry Hazard (Local 238-291)

Jay Easton (Local 76-493)

Aileen Vance (Local 1000)

Michael Manley (Local 369)

John Shipley (Local 368)

Lawrence Clark (Local 3)

Genji Saiasi (Local 802)

Nate Omdal (Local 76-493)

Rick Baptist (Local 47)

Rachel Drehmann (Local 802)

Mario Guarneri (Local 6)

Karim Yengsep (Local 7)

Cheryl Fippen (Local 6)

Joanna Maurer (Local 802)

Marta Bradley (Local 161-710)

David Schoenbrun (Local 6)

Tammy Noreyko (Local 7)

Tom Derthick (Local 12)

Jarred Antonacci (Local 77)

Gabriel Bey (Local 586)

Helen Z. Altenbach (Local 47)

Marjorie Goldberg (Local 77)

William F Marszalek (Local 60-471)

"I have been a union member since I was 13 years old, 67 years ago. I've had the good fortune to be a regular member of a major orchestra and a member of ICSOM, played the theatres and joined the TMA and appeared on hundreds of movie and TV shows as a union member and a member of the RMA. For the last 20 years I have focused on performing and helping support independent jazz players. The union in its present form is useless for the hundreds of extremely talented musicians I work for and with. The VPU slate is committed to change from the bottom up and with its focus on transparency and solidarity with dignity can make a difference in the lives of many players who have rightly lost confidence and faith in our union."

Mario Guarneri

Executive Director and founder of Jazz in the Neighborhood; co-founder of the Independent Musicians Alliance

"As a member, and Secretary-Treasurer of the Philadelphia Musicians’ Union, Local 77, I am proud to endorse the candidates on the VPU slate. I have the utmost respect for their dedication to organizing and their tireless ability to lead from the bottom up—this is a crucial component to the growth of our union and solidarity amongst our brothers and sisters, and is something that I feel our Union desperately needs.

I began working with Ellen Trainer, President of Local 77 in 2019, and have witnessed first hand her dedication to organizing, education, and support for not only the members of Local 77, but for the general principals of trade unionism. Her appointment as Vice-President of the Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO has further enabled our Local to become more politically active, and is yet another testament to her leadership and work ethic. I am confident that electing Ellen Trainer and the rest of the VPU slate is the right move for our Union—we have to act now.

I’m with VPU! "

Jarred Antonacci

Secretary-Treasurer, Local 77

"Dear AFM Colleagues:

It is difficult for me to find words to convey adequately my feelings of renewed optimism and pure excitement at the prospect of Kale Cumings becoming the next AFM President, but I’ll give it a shot.

I’ve known Kale for over twenty years, having spent considerable time together in the trenches of the Local 6 freelance and theatre scenes, as well as in various union activities. When it came time for me to find someone within our membership to succeed me as Local 6 president, my overriding criterion was to identify a member whose potential and abilities would assure our Local of continued strong leadership. While our Local has no shortage of talented folks who also possess an uncompromising unionist philosophy, Kale was far and away my first choice. His subsequent election and re-election borne out my predictions of his success.

Kale has brought both intelligence and an uncommon thoughtfulness to his office. He asks tough questions; he solicits the views of others; he considers all viewpoints; and he is comfortable in the decisions he ultimately makes. Kale is able and willing to defend his positions vigorously and, if necessary, ferociously. He possesses negotiating skills that have earned him the confidence and respect of musician committees – and the often begrudging regard of opposing employers.

Kale believes in the collective process with all his being. When he speaks about the necessity of the AFM returning to a musician-driven organization from its present “top-down” model of leadership, he means it. I completely agree with his assessment that our union must seek to be much more inclusive of, and responsive to, the needs of a huge community of freelance musicians in the US and Canada. It is the only way to ensure our influence in the industry and avoid continued catastrophic loss of membership.

At the same time, Kale certainly sees as vital to our collective interests the crucial presence and representation of existing Player Conference members. He believes that the “haves” and the “have nots” in our Union and industry should have nothing to fear from each other – a division that has at times been nurtured by previous administrations. He believes, as do I, that we ALL stand to gain when we are united, and loss is inevitable when we are not.

I emphatically endorse Kale Cumings as our next AFM President.

I further support those who share Kale’s vision for effective Union leadership and have joined the VPU slate of candidates."

David Schoenbrun

Local 6 President Emeritus

"Edmund Velasco and John Acosta have been instrumental in supporting me through a dispute regarding Orchestra Committee Election transparency. With their help and guidance, I felt empowered to represent my orchestra in upholding election integrity- a crucial element of the democratic process. John Acosta is an inspiring force for social justice and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) issues, which is the best practice in many industries but lagging behind in our profession of classical music. I support this team in their leadership style, campaign integrity, and their demonstrated efforts in collaboration."

Helen Z. Altenbach

Freelance recording musician; LA Opera Orchestra; Local 47 member

"I am a proud member of Local 6 and have worked with President Kale Cumings as an orchestra colleague and member of the Local 6 Staff. I wholeheartedly endorse Kale and the entire VPU slate and believe that their Vision platform is what is critically needed to grow the AFM and make us a vibrant part of the labor movement in the U.S. and Canada. First and foremost, Kale listens. His leadership style is welcoming of new ideas and he is able to build teamwork through making sure that all the voices in the room are heard and respected. In short, he believes and demonstrates by word and action that Voices Power Unity."

Cheryl Fippen

Local 6 Member and Previous Staff Member

"As a violinist and member of Local 802 for 20+ years, I have played under multiple national and local contracts, served on committees/boards, organized for various campaigns, and advocated for musicians. I have been lucky to work with strategic, intelligent leaders who have been dedicated to serving members and strengthening our contracts, and I have worked with others who have hindered progress through short-sightedness and lack of respect and transparency.

Our federation is at a critical point. We have not kept up with the demands of a changing industry and economy, and if we fail to innovate and move forward, our membership will continue to decline, contracts will keep stagnating, and musicians’ struggles will get worse.

We have the opportunity to elect new leadership at the AFM Convention this June, and I am excited to whole-heartedly endorse Kale Cumings and the Voices • Power • Unity ticket: leaders who are ready to work hard to strengthen our federation. VPU understands that members are fed up with top-down, old-school tactics. We demand respect, transparency, and a commitment to modernizing our federation so we can finally catch up to our brother and sister labor organizations who know how to organize, build solidarity, and win.

The VPU candidates I have worked with are inspiring, resourceful, creative, intelligent, and hard working. They have made tangible progress within their locals and have proven track records of increased membership, increased member engagement and progressive contracts. Their commitment to organizing is real, not a buzzword they think will get votes. They have lived and breathed grassroots organizing, gone door-to-door, and watched their locals thrive because members were listened to and their issues taken seriously.

Strategy, courage, engagement, and innovation are values VPU will bring to our federation which will enable us to negotiate effectively, grow our membership, and finally meet the tough demands of our changing industry.

The views I have expressed are solely my own and do not represent the opinions or positions of any boards I am affiliated with.

Joanna Maurer

violinist, Member of Local 802 (NYC), 20+ years

“I am so excited that my colleagues on this team are committing to serve the AFM, its Locals and its members. Each of them have demonstrated the experience, equanimity and leadership skills needed to grow our union through organizing, to work alongside Local officers, and to foster a culture of engaged and active members with agency over their work and their livelihoods.”

Tammy Noreyko

Secretary-Treasurer, Local 7 (Orange County)

"For team VPU, the word organizing is not just a fancy buzz word. The candidates of team VPU are truly passionate about organizing and empathetic to the concerns that affect the lives of all working musicians. Their temperament allows for open dialogue and exchange of ideas with the intent of thoughtfully considering the value in hearing the concerns of every member. I believe their experience, combined with their drive, will bring exciting and needed change to the American Federation of Musicians. It is for these reasons I support the VPU coalition."

Marta Bradley

Secretary-Treasurer, Local 161-710

"It is time for change at AFM. For too long, we have stood by while our peer labor organizations have organized and built strength and leverage to use at the bargaining table with our employers. We demand transparency, respect and fully devoted leaders so, together, we can organize successful campaigns that culminate in wins. Technology and the world is changing at such a fast pace, yet our contracts have not moved far enough. I am excited to work with a slate of leaders who are devoted to organizing and building solidarity while adhering to transparency throughout the process. We as members are ready to fight for what we deserve, and we deserve leaders who understand our needs and will fight alongside us to strengthen our federation into the future."

Rachel Drehmann

French Horn, Parade on Broadway

"Dear Union family--I'm with Voices-Power-Unity! As a long-time member of Local 1000 (the travelling musicians' local) and now serving as US Vice President of the local, I know how crucial it is to bring more diverse voices to the leadership table across the Federation in order to keep our union and our organizing efforts vital and successful. And candidate John Acosta is one of my AFM heroes---he not only advocates for the "big issues" like diversity and justice, he gets his hands dirty working hard at the small, grass roots ways we can really achieve those goals in our union and our communities: setting up inner city summer music programs, facilitating the planning work to allow BIPOC youth to attend special industry-led workshops, walking the picket lines, helping to raise the voices and issues of lesser-known musicians, being willing to lend an ear whereever he is needed. The VPU slate has a big vision to give voice and power to all musicians, including youth (our best hope for the future of our union). Let's give them the support they need to carry out this vision."

Aileen Vance

Local 1000

"I'm glad to join VPU in building a member-driven union!"

Michael Manley

Local 369

"As a relatively new Local President of a smaller Local, I’m pleased to enthusiastically support Kale, Edmund, Ellen, Dusty, John, and Mont Chris. I’ve seen the work they are doing in engaging the many musicians in the freelance and casual communities who could benefit from Union membership. Their commitment to expanding our movement to all musicians, while building on the successes of our current leadership with our CBA’s and the Pension Fund, offers a future for the AFM that is inspiring."

Tom Derthick

President, Local 12; Principal Bass, Sacramento Philharmonic

“As a member of the AFM since the late 1960’s I have seen our union at its best and at its worst. Today our union faces major threats. After years of decline and a loss of membership, we need new and forward thinking voices to move us forward. I believe Kale and the VPU Coalition represent the best voices to lead us during these difficult times. Vote the VPU!”

Rick Baptist

Former VP, Local 47

“I’ve been grateful for the opportunity to bring the issues that we face as a small local in a community that lacks many opportunities. This ticket has made it a priority to involve representatives from smaller locals from the beginning, and that’s something I value greatly.”

Nate Omdal

Vice President/Organizer, Local 76-493 (Seattle); Freelance Bassist

    I'm with VPU because:

"Fighting to change the top down mentality of my local and attract new members to build an all inclusive and progressive organization."

Gabriel Bey

member; Chair, Local 586 Outreach Committee; Gabriel Bey and Friends

"I believe that the VPU ticket will be able to lobby nationally on behalf of working musicians because I have seen this in action at the ground level from the International VP candidate, Mr. Edmund Velasco at Local 7. The pandemic has shed a light on how fragile the freelancer ecosystem is, and I have witnessed first hand how our Local 7 went into overdrive in order to support musicians in need. I believe the Voices are everywhere and being able to utilize technology to unite them will elevate the Union to new heights in step with modern times."

Karim Yengsep, DMA

Founder & Director, SoCal Jazz Academy; Member, AFM Local 7

"My name is Marjorie Goldberg and I am the VP of the Philadelphia Musicians' Union, Local 77. I have worked with Ellen Trainer for over 25 years in and around Philadelphia both on the stage and on negotiating committees. In 2019 we decided to run for local office because we wanted a more inclusive and progressive Local 77 and it has been a privilege to work alongside her and our board to make radical changes that were needed in Philadelphia. I write in support of Ellen and the VPU team who have a similar vision of a more inclusive and progressive AFM. The candidates on this slate have shared their 100 day plan and I believe this shows the members of the AFM clearly and accurately where they will focus their energies. I believe all the candidates running for all the open positions are experienced and dedicated unionists. If elected I believe the members of the VPU slate will be the leaders we need, dedicated to diversity, inclusion, organizing and education. "My name is Marjorie Goldberg and I am the VP of the Philadelphia Musicians' Union, Local 77. I have worked with Ellen Trainer for over 25 years in and around Philadelphia both on the stage and on negotiating committees. In 2019 we decided to run for local office because we wanted a more inclusive and progressive Local 77 and it has been a privilege to work alongside her and our board to make radical changes that were needed in Philadelphia.

I write in support of Ellen and the VPU team who have a similar vision of a more inclusive and progressive AFM. The candidates on this slate have shared their 100 day plan and I believe this shows the members of the AFM clearly and accurately where they will focus their energies.

I believe all the candidates running for all the open positions are experienced and dedicated unionists. If elected I believe the members of the VPU slate will be the leaders we need, dedicated to diversity, inclusion, organizing and education.

We are at a critical point in the history of our union as we come out of a pandemic that has seen our membership numbers in severe decline. If we look to other unions who are changing for the better, we must admit that union leadership positions need to reflect the makeup of the workers with respect to race, gender, and genres of work/music. This includes collaboration with, and respect for the workforce, and in the AFM's case, the 5 conferences (and hopefully soon a 6th representing the single engagement musician). We need a change in leadership style, one that leads from the bottom up NOT top down and this slate of candidates is dedicated to implementing that much needed change."

Marjorie H Goldberg

VP of Local 77 and member of Locals 161-710 and 269, ROPA Board member

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