Dusty Kelly

For International Executive Board

Dusty Kelly is the Executive Director of the Toronto Musicians’ Association, Local 149. She manages their labour relations, collective agreement negotiations, and the promotion of 3,000-plus member musicians. She is the past Secretary and Business Agent of Vancouver Musicians Association. In 2019, she was elected to the Canadian Conference of Musicians and in 2018 appointed by the BC Government to the BC Lottery Corporation board of directors. She is also a director on the boards of Intersections – Media Opportunities for Youth Society and Performing Arts Lodges Vancouver. Prior to joining the AFM in 2017, Dusty was the former Vice President of IATSE Local 891, the largest local of the International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees, where over 21 years, she held a variety of administrative, contractual, and organizing roles. She is currently an elected trustee on the IATSE 891 Health Benefits Plan.

“I am excited to be a part of the Voices Power Unity team – we all share similar values in that wish to see the American Federation of Musicians grow to its true potential as one union that reflects the depth and breadth of musicians across our two countries: organizing the unorganized, leading by lifting, and building economic power for all.”

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