VPU believes that organizing is “method, not magic” and therefore teachable. Our plan for education looks to restart successes of leadership development like the AFL-CIO Organizing Institute collaboration and also innovate new structures of institutional education like sending a delegation of rank-and-file members to the Labor Notes Convention. The VPU movement will look to the many recent successes throughout the labor movement, all of which are based on strategies of member leadership development and education. We will meet with these unions and bring their tools to the membership of the AFM. We will also create and disseminate educational materials for officers and rank-and-file members about, e.g., our contracts, our legislative priorities, and how to build a vibrant and growing Local.

A union built on education:

– Supports small Locals

– Connects Locals and members together

– Uses its resources wisely


being brought to the 2023 Convention:

– Small Local Empowerment



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